Tutorial: Introduction to Moodle for students
The HAW Moodle (Übergangsmoodle) offers students and lecturers virtual course rooms to share media, to communicate and to collaborate. This short tutorial is aimed at new students who would like to have an introduction to the HAW Moodle.
- What is Moodle? What is it used for at the HAW?
- How do I get access to the Moodle and other HAW online services?
- The first Login into Moodle
- The Dashboard - a list of all courses you are enrolled in
- Useful functions in the header menue
- The Course Search - find your courses
- Enrolment in a course by lecturer or by self-enrolment
- Your course room
7. Enrolement in a course by lecturer or by self-enrolement
Your lecturers can enroll you in their course rooms in one of two ways:
- They can enroll you themselves in their course rooms.
- They will provide you with an
enrolment key ("Einschreibeschlüssel", a password) for enrolling yourself after you have entered the
course room.
In this case your self-enrolment screen looks like this:
For each specific course room you will have to self-enroll only once.
Afterwards your course will be listed in your Dashboard and you will be directed straight to the content page of your course room.
Afterwards your course will be listed in your Dashboard and you will be directed straight to the content page of your course room.